Return Policy

The item can be replaced only in the cases listed below:

  • Please inspect the item purchased by you visually at the moment of purchasing in the presence of an TechnoHouse representative. If a visual defect is identified, the item will be replaced in accordance with the order established by the company.
  • If the defective item is found to have a factory defect within 5 (five) days after purchasing, the buyer shall submit the defective item within the specified time to TechnoHouse Service. If Techno House issues a conclusion on the faulty device, the item shall be replaced by the order established by the company;
  • If the item fails to be repaired within 30 (thirty) calendar days (60 (sixty) calendar days in case of TV sets) after delivery to the Recommended Service Center, the item shall be replaced in accordance with the procedure established by the Company based on the relevant technical report issued by the Service Center.
  • The item should be presented only in full kit, it is necessary to save the box and accessories.